Team Teague goes 4-0 this weekend in North Carolina against some pretty good competition.
Tyler Lewis
Team Teague
showed why they are one of the best teams in the country. They play the game really well together.
were really impressive all weekend
Lots of local talent on this year's roster. @LelandWalker02 @BassReggie23 @charlie_w33 @petersuder1 @TurnerDayveon @RaSheedDJones11 @CaedmonBontrag1 had a great weekend. Our Indiana HS kids looked pretty good taking on Chris Paul's AAU club, Team Loaded of North Carolina.
Good start to the summer ball season. For those folks who follow that sort of thing......
Tyler Lewis
Team Teague
showed why they are one of the best teams in the country. They play the game really well together.
were really impressive all weekend
Lots of local talent on this year's roster. @LelandWalker02 @BassReggie23 @charlie_w33 @petersuder1 @TurnerDayveon @RaSheedDJones11 @CaedmonBontrag1 had a great weekend. Our Indiana HS kids looked pretty good taking on Chris Paul's AAU club, Team Loaded of North Carolina.
Good start to the summer ball season. For those folks who follow that sort of thing......