[“(Coaching) girls versus guys, I think building that trust is much, much more important,” Bradley said. “Guys will go out and play all the time because that’s what they do in their spare time. They just go play.
“With girls a lot of times, they’ve got to know why they’re doing things and how to do things properly because they don’t want to fail,” he continued. “They want to be as good as they can be each time out so there’s a lot of give and take as far as trust goes. They want to be sure of themselves but they’re not going to be unless you can teach them to get to that end result.”]
“With girls a lot of times, they’ve got to know why they’re doing things and how to do things properly because they don’t want to fail,” he continued. “They want to be as good as they can be each time out so there’s a lot of give and take as far as trust goes. They want to be sure of themselves but they’re not going to be unless you can teach them to get to that end result.”]