Coach Mawbey will be hosting his 34th Coaches Clinic Saturday 9-29-18 at Noblesville HS!
Great speakers include:
Coach Bowling-Manual HS
Coach Cox-New Castle HS
Coach Hoover-Blackford HS
Coach Lynch-Brownsburg HS
Coach Osborn -Carmel HS
Coach McCauley-Noblesville HS
Coach Clarke-Noblesville S & C coach
Coach Mawbey-Noblesville HS
The coaches will use their players to demonstrate!
If you haven’t registered you may call Coach Mawbey (574-847-9893) and pre-register and pay Saturday!
Donuts at 830AM. Clinic begins 900AM. Lunch City Barbecue!! Over 3PM?
Great speakers include:
Coach Bowling-Manual HS
Coach Cox-New Castle HS
Coach Hoover-Blackford HS
Coach Lynch-Brownsburg HS
Coach Osborn -Carmel HS
Coach McCauley-Noblesville HS
Coach Clarke-Noblesville S & C coach
Coach Mawbey-Noblesville HS
The coaches will use their players to demonstrate!
If you haven’t registered you may call Coach Mawbey (574-847-9893) and pre-register and pay Saturday!
Donuts at 830AM. Clinic begins 900AM. Lunch City Barbecue!! Over 3PM?