Marion's Vijay Blackmon has been named to the north Junior All-Star team along with Nai Carlisle, Reontre Lawrence, Rhyss Lewis, Anthony Murphy and Tremell Murphy.
The Core group is Joey Brunk, Eron Gordon, Kyle Guy, Damien Jefferson, Kyle Mallers and CJ Walker.
The south group consists of Tucker Blackwell, Parker Chitty, John Kiser, Brachen Hazen, Djimon Henson and Dru Smith.
Congrats to all of these fine Indiana players.
The coaches will be Jason Delaney of Tech, Brent Bobston of Frankton and Brandon Hoffman of Silver Creek.
The Core group is Joey Brunk, Eron Gordon, Kyle Guy, Damien Jefferson, Kyle Mallers and CJ Walker.
The south group consists of Tucker Blackwell, Parker Chitty, John Kiser, Brachen Hazen, Djimon Henson and Dru Smith.
Congrats to all of these fine Indiana players.
The coaches will be Jason Delaney of Tech, Brent Bobston of Frankton and Brandon Hoffman of Silver Creek.