Hamilton Heights girls – Omega Tandy will not be back after one year with the Huskies. Last year’s squad was 11-12, but there is much reason for optimism. HH only dropped 4 games total after the holiday break and put together an impressive win streak. Varsity Club member emails the Huskies lose three seniors but very little in statistical production – just 6 points combined. The flip-side is nothing short of rosy as leading rebounders, ball handlers, and nearly 45 points of offense are expected to be back in uniform next season. Some of the biggest contributors were only sophs last season to boot. Hamilton Heights is a member of the ten team Hoosier Conference and find themselves in the five team East Division with Tipton, Northwestern, Cass, and Western. Odd one here, but varsity Club member indicates a Driver’s Ed teaching position open at HHS.