Rivet Girls (Updated 6/27) – Good Varsity Clubber reports two names getting gas right now are Sheila Herman and Rick Marshall – formerly at North Knox. Community rumors place Marshall among possible front runners, but Varsity Club member goes on to report that may be a hard sell to Rivet admin. The Herman spoken of is a former player for Rick at North Know. She was a Williams before marriage. The Herman name at Rivet has reportedly carried much weight in the past but no word how much now. If all turns out to be accurate, then religion may play a role. Varsity Clubber indicates if a Herman (Catholic) is not chosen over Rick Marshall (Protestant) that might go a long way in taking some cash away from the institution. Report goes on to emphasize the point that Marshall has yet to be contacted by anyone in the admin at Rivet. AS a side note, report indicates a Jones named as coach would also not be a surprise. There is additional speculation that the Rivet family may not be able to pay Rick enough, and if they did, that would not make the rest of the coaches at RHS happy if they made that much less than the Girls Head Basketball coach.