Huskies have heart
Varsity manager
Brayden Branstetter is
lifted to the net by
coaches and players to
get his cut of team
Reported by Brian Reddick Hamilton County Reporter. ( No one reports Hamilton County Sports like the HC Reporter)
When the Hamilton Heights Huskies
won their sectional basketball championship
Saturday night you expect to see the
starters like the Weatherford bothers and
seniors getting first dibs at cutting down the
net. Last night at the Muncie Fieldhouse
the fifth man cutting the net didn't play one
second on the court, at least not physically.
Husky manager Brayden Branstetter
has been with the varsity ball club for 3
years now and is a 17 year old sophomore
at Hamilton Heights. Brayden has cerebral
palsy and may not physically be able to
play basketball, but no one at Hamilton
Heights has a greater love for the game than
Branstetter is a huge motivation to the
Husky ball club and helps out by running
the clock and runs water to players as needed.
Branstetter said "I'm very close with the
team especially Grant Weatherford, Sterling
Weatherford and Hunter Crist, they're
my brothers".
Last night when the Huskies won the
sectional 24 championship against Yorktown
in double overtime, coaches and players
made sure Branstetter was right there in
the celebration of it all. Branstetter was
lifted to the net and got his small piece of
victory just like every other member of the
Huskies have heart
Husky varsity manager
Brayden Branstetter is
lifted to the net by
coaches and players to
get his cut of team victory
Varsity manager
Brayden Branstetter is
lifted to the net by
coaches and players to
get his cut of team
Reported by Brian Reddick Hamilton County Reporter. ( No one reports Hamilton County Sports like the HC Reporter)
When the Hamilton Heights Huskies
won their sectional basketball championship
Saturday night you expect to see the
starters like the Weatherford bothers and
seniors getting first dibs at cutting down the
net. Last night at the Muncie Fieldhouse
the fifth man cutting the net didn't play one
second on the court, at least not physically.
Husky manager Brayden Branstetter
has been with the varsity ball club for 3
years now and is a 17 year old sophomore
at Hamilton Heights. Brayden has cerebral
palsy and may not physically be able to
play basketball, but no one at Hamilton
Heights has a greater love for the game than
Branstetter is a huge motivation to the
Husky ball club and helps out by running
the clock and runs water to players as needed.
Branstetter said "I'm very close with the
team especially Grant Weatherford, Sterling
Weatherford and Hunter Crist, they're
my brothers".
Last night when the Huskies won the
sectional 24 championship against Yorktown
in double overtime, coaches and players
made sure Branstetter was right there in
the celebration of it all. Branstetter was
lifted to the net and got his small piece of
victory just like every other member of the
Huskies have heart
Husky varsity manager
Brayden Branstetter is
lifted to the net by
coaches and players to
get his cut of team victory