From basketball gentleman Pat McKee!
BOYS (82)
School: New coach old coach
Alexandria: Marty Carroll Dean Moorhead
Barr-Reeve: Josh Thompson Bryan Hughes
Ben Davis: Don Carlisle Mark James
Bethesda Christian: Brandon Reese Chad Smith
Bloomfield: Ron McBride Jamie Hudson
Brown County: John Berning Chuck Hutchins
Cannelton: Bill Dickerson Michael Snyder
Carroll (Flora): Bodie Bender Chad Arnold
Christel House Academy: TBA Mike Mendez
Clay City: Chris Ames Vance Edmondson
Concord: Derrick DeShone Steve Austin
Crawford County: Jerry Hanger Levi Carmichael
Dugger Union: Greg Kinnaman Joe Pigg
Eastbrook: Greg Allison Brian Childs
Eastern (Pekin): Michael Gilliam Scott Newcomb
Elkhart Central: Barry Singrey Terry Smith
Elkhart Christian: Chad Hibbard Ryan Culp
Eminence: Todd Hanni Scott Adams
Evansville Central: Rodney Walker Scott Hudson
Forest Park: David Welp Jeff Litherland
Fort Wayne Canterbury: Chase Sanders Scott Kreiger
Fort Wayne Concordia: Phil Brackmann Austin Thoms
Fort Wayne Luers: TBA Will Hubertz
Fort Wayne North: Gary Andrews Shabaz Khaliq
Fountain Central: Phil Shabi Jason Good
Gary Lighthouse CPA: Nick Moore Kenya Stines ** (Marvin Rea)
Guerin Catholic: Bobby Allen Pete Smith
Hagerstown: Chad Romack Bobby Jones
Hammond Morton: Chad Pio Scott Lush **
Hauser: Nate Cangany Griff Roth
Heritage: Adam Gray Barry Singrey
Howe Military: James Hafley Russell Burnham
Indiana Math & Science: Duke Pryor Scott Miller
Indianapolis Scecina: Scott Miller Rob New
Indianapolis Shortridge: Jeff Strange Troy Lane
Indianapolis Washington: Ken Roseman Courtney James
International: Scott Adams Justin Bennett
Irvington Prep: Kevin Jones Jeff Strange
Lafayette Jeff: Mark Barnhizer Scott Radeker
Lakewood Park Christian: Steve Oberlin Wayne Brooks
Milan: Randy Combs Josh Blankinship
Mississinewa: James Reed Andrew Evertts
Mt. Vernon (Fortville): Ben Rhoades Travis Daugherty
Mt. Vernon (Posey): B.J. Aldridge Marc Hostetter
New Prairie: Kris Davis Derrick DeShone
North Central (Farmersburg): Vance Edmondson Jacob Cummings
North Central (Indpls): Brian Hahn Doug Mitchell
North Montgomery: Andrew Evertts Eric Danforth
North Newton: Jess Funston Josh Stringfellow
North Vermillion: Jacob Cummings John Berning
North White: Matt Sipkema Ron Best
Northfield: Rick Brewer Patrick Hopkins
Northridge: Scott Radeker Ronnie Thomas
Oregon-Davis: Menny Avram Joe Eskridge
Park Tudor: Tim Adams Michael Shelton
Parke Heritage: Rich Schelsky na (consolidation of Rockville & Turkey Run)
Perry Meridian: Mark James Brent Keck
Prairie Heights: Todd Watkins Greg Holmes
Providence: Sean Smith Rob Murawski Jr. **
Purdue Polytechnic: Jermaine Harris na
Richmond: Shabaz Khaliq Rick Wedlow
Rising Sun: Rick Scholl Chris Jones
Rushville: Doug Laker Steve Goddard
Salem: Mike Brown Hank Weedin
Shawe Memorial: Sherron Wilkerson Mike Brown
Smith Academy: Chad Ginder Gary Merrell
South Bend Clay: Doug Barnbrook Delray Brooks
South Bend Riley: Jared Drake Eric Brand
South Bend St. Joseph: Mark Johnson Mike Bauer
South Knox: David Burkett Mark Rohrer
South Newton: TBA Mike Hall
South Ripley: Tyler Theising Travis Wrightsman
Southern Wells: Kyle Penrod Ben Burman
Southport: Eric Brand Kyle Simpson
Southridge: Mark Rohrer Ted O’Brien
Vincennes Lincoln: Steve Brett Josh Thompson
West Washington: Clayton Sullivan Sean Smith
Westville: Drew Eubank Nate Mrozinski
Wheeler: Mark Anderson Tom Johnson
White River Valley: James Floyd Jimmy Beasley Jr.
Wood Memorial: Dustin George Kevin Menke
Woodlan: John Baker David Randall
GIRLS (88)
School: New coach old coach
Adams Central: Doug Curtis Cheri Jesionowski
Argos: Dan Dewar Gary Teel
Attica: Darrin Spragg Matt Harmeson
Barr-Reeve: Bret Graber Michael Hopkins
Blackford: Mitch Waters Jack Norton
Bloomington Lighthouse: Timothy Woodcock Mark May
Brebeuf Jesuit: Erin Miller Matt Mayer
Carmel: Kevin Sweeney Tod Windlan
Christian Academy: Chris Jefferson Mike Baird
Clay City: Jason Sinders Chris Ames
Clinton Central: Matt Crawford Nic Carothers
Clinton Prairie: Amie Anthrop Jessi Johnson
Dugger Union: TBA Joe Pigg
Eastern Greene: Greg Burton Justin Burris
Eastside: Nate Young Shane Conwell
Edgewood: Curt Simic Gary Sims
Elkhart Memorial: Brent Curry Jeff Wallace
Elwood: Craig Brunnemer Kyle Pulley
Eminence: Kevin Corsaro Tim Garver
Evansville Harrison: Ashley Hawkins Kiara Butler
Floyd Central: Randy Gianfagna Kirk Hamsley
Fort Wayne Blackhawk: Steph Gongaware Jamie Perlich
Fort Wayne Snider: Greg Addison Greg Friend
Fort Wayne Wayne: Lacia Gorman Kip Jones
Fountain Central: Tom Anderson ** Tom Anderson **
Franklin Central: Vince Cerbone Brian Hacker
Franklin County: Joe Adams Doug Robertson
Fremont: Scott Sprague Neal Frantz
Gary Lighthouse CPA: Tim Mays Thomas Smith
Gary Roosevelt: Joyce Falls Trevor Borom
Gary West: Shanee’ Butler Rod Fisher
Gibson Southern: Kyle Brasher Mark Monroe
Greencastle: Tod Windlan Bradley Key
Greenfield-Central: Bradley Key Joshua Means
Greenwood: Justin Bennett Bill Torgerson
Guerin Catholic: Jeff Buckner Dave Roth
Hammond Morton: Deandre Williams Apiphany Asberry
Harrison (WL): Rush McColley Amie Anthrop
Highland: Chris Tomcsi Tracie Mezera-Juarez
Indiana Math & Science: Jermaine Dunigan Aleanya Moore
Indianapolis Howe: Porchia Green Christina Cunningham
Indianapolis Lighthouse-South: Reggie Lockett Lindsay Nelson
Indianapolis Manual: Marques Gibson Jim Sturgeon
Indianapolis Riverside: Vetro Abernathy Cliff Kocian
Indianapolis Tech: David Howard Candace Jones
Indianapolis Washington: Damon Lee Marc Bustamante
International: Arin Thompson Randy Saxton
Kankakee Valley: Doug Nelson Ryan Myers
LaCrosse: Chris McGowan Brian McMahan
Lanesville: Angie Hinton Kevin Smith
Lapel: Zach Newby John Willis
Lawrence Central: Antoine Wynne Stephanie Keller
Lebanon: Nic Carothers Beth DeVinney
Liberty Christian: Todd Hill Ryan Jackson
Madison: Sonja Bowyer Sam Terrell
Madison-Grant: Brandon Bradley Elizabeth Garrasi
Martinsville: Jessi Johnson Vince Cerbone
Mishawaka: Sarah DeShone Kevin Gradeless
Mitchell: Jamie Cummings Matt Sowders
Morristown: Rachel Kleine ** Bryan Wolfe
Muncie Burris: Dave Harman Tom Lindsey
New Castle: Molly Swift Brandon Bradley
New Prairie: Todd Dermody Ric Mauch
North Miami: Lori Working Steve McClure
North Posey: Tyler Nicole Larry Kahle
Northeastern: Sara Mayo Princess Darnell
Oldenburg Academy: Eddie Johnson Dan Kerker
Parke Heritage: Bob Kyle na (consolidation of Rockville & Turkey Run)
Perry Central: R.T. Elliott Ty Guillaume
Pike: Scott White Bob Anglea
Prairie Heights: Taylor Terry Brian Beebe
Purdue Polytechnic: Latrice Crawford na
Richmond: Shane Hillard Casey Pohlenz
River Forest: Aaron Mullinax Doug Nelson
Riverton Parke: Derek Cleghorn Josh Douglass
Rochester: Brian Jennings Lisa Pflueger
Shawe Memorial: Terry King Zack Goodwin
Sheridan: Jaidlin Delph Jeff Guenther
South Bend Adams: Dawn Huff Leon Scott Jr.
South Bend Clay: Shawn Pittman Mark Westendorp
South Bend Riley: Suntana Anderson Jose Robles
South Bend St. Joseph: Becca Bruszewski Sydney Smallbone
South Dearborn: Doug Robertson Kent Vories
South Spencer: Brent Mathew Jason Mayes
Tri-West: Tom Gliva Nathan Begle
Wapahani: Scott Hudson Brad Cutter
Washington Catholic: Jimmy Beasley Sr. Terry Fleckenstein
Wes-Del: Ed Geesaman Monica Wells
** served as interim coach for all or part of 2017-18
BOYS (82)
School: New coach old coach
Alexandria: Marty Carroll Dean Moorhead
Barr-Reeve: Josh Thompson Bryan Hughes
Ben Davis: Don Carlisle Mark James
Bethesda Christian: Brandon Reese Chad Smith
Bloomfield: Ron McBride Jamie Hudson
Brown County: John Berning Chuck Hutchins
Cannelton: Bill Dickerson Michael Snyder
Carroll (Flora): Bodie Bender Chad Arnold
Christel House Academy: TBA Mike Mendez
Clay City: Chris Ames Vance Edmondson
Concord: Derrick DeShone Steve Austin
Crawford County: Jerry Hanger Levi Carmichael
Dugger Union: Greg Kinnaman Joe Pigg
Eastbrook: Greg Allison Brian Childs
Eastern (Pekin): Michael Gilliam Scott Newcomb
Elkhart Central: Barry Singrey Terry Smith
Elkhart Christian: Chad Hibbard Ryan Culp
Eminence: Todd Hanni Scott Adams
Evansville Central: Rodney Walker Scott Hudson
Forest Park: David Welp Jeff Litherland
Fort Wayne Canterbury: Chase Sanders Scott Kreiger
Fort Wayne Concordia: Phil Brackmann Austin Thoms
Fort Wayne Luers: TBA Will Hubertz
Fort Wayne North: Gary Andrews Shabaz Khaliq
Fountain Central: Phil Shabi Jason Good
Gary Lighthouse CPA: Nick Moore Kenya Stines ** (Marvin Rea)
Guerin Catholic: Bobby Allen Pete Smith
Hagerstown: Chad Romack Bobby Jones
Hammond Morton: Chad Pio Scott Lush **
Hauser: Nate Cangany Griff Roth
Heritage: Adam Gray Barry Singrey
Howe Military: James Hafley Russell Burnham
Indiana Math & Science: Duke Pryor Scott Miller
Indianapolis Scecina: Scott Miller Rob New
Indianapolis Shortridge: Jeff Strange Troy Lane
Indianapolis Washington: Ken Roseman Courtney James
International: Scott Adams Justin Bennett
Irvington Prep: Kevin Jones Jeff Strange
Lafayette Jeff: Mark Barnhizer Scott Radeker
Lakewood Park Christian: Steve Oberlin Wayne Brooks
Milan: Randy Combs Josh Blankinship
Mississinewa: James Reed Andrew Evertts
Mt. Vernon (Fortville): Ben Rhoades Travis Daugherty
Mt. Vernon (Posey): B.J. Aldridge Marc Hostetter
New Prairie: Kris Davis Derrick DeShone
North Central (Farmersburg): Vance Edmondson Jacob Cummings
North Central (Indpls): Brian Hahn Doug Mitchell
North Montgomery: Andrew Evertts Eric Danforth
North Newton: Jess Funston Josh Stringfellow
North Vermillion: Jacob Cummings John Berning
North White: Matt Sipkema Ron Best
Northfield: Rick Brewer Patrick Hopkins
Northridge: Scott Radeker Ronnie Thomas
Oregon-Davis: Menny Avram Joe Eskridge
Park Tudor: Tim Adams Michael Shelton
Parke Heritage: Rich Schelsky na (consolidation of Rockville & Turkey Run)
Perry Meridian: Mark James Brent Keck
Prairie Heights: Todd Watkins Greg Holmes
Providence: Sean Smith Rob Murawski Jr. **
Purdue Polytechnic: Jermaine Harris na
Richmond: Shabaz Khaliq Rick Wedlow
Rising Sun: Rick Scholl Chris Jones
Rushville: Doug Laker Steve Goddard
Salem: Mike Brown Hank Weedin
Shawe Memorial: Sherron Wilkerson Mike Brown
Smith Academy: Chad Ginder Gary Merrell
South Bend Clay: Doug Barnbrook Delray Brooks
South Bend Riley: Jared Drake Eric Brand
South Bend St. Joseph: Mark Johnson Mike Bauer
South Knox: David Burkett Mark Rohrer
South Newton: TBA Mike Hall
South Ripley: Tyler Theising Travis Wrightsman
Southern Wells: Kyle Penrod Ben Burman
Southport: Eric Brand Kyle Simpson
Southridge: Mark Rohrer Ted O’Brien
Vincennes Lincoln: Steve Brett Josh Thompson
West Washington: Clayton Sullivan Sean Smith
Westville: Drew Eubank Nate Mrozinski
Wheeler: Mark Anderson Tom Johnson
White River Valley: James Floyd Jimmy Beasley Jr.
Wood Memorial: Dustin George Kevin Menke
Woodlan: John Baker David Randall
GIRLS (88)
School: New coach old coach
Adams Central: Doug Curtis Cheri Jesionowski
Argos: Dan Dewar Gary Teel
Attica: Darrin Spragg Matt Harmeson
Barr-Reeve: Bret Graber Michael Hopkins
Blackford: Mitch Waters Jack Norton
Bloomington Lighthouse: Timothy Woodcock Mark May
Brebeuf Jesuit: Erin Miller Matt Mayer
Carmel: Kevin Sweeney Tod Windlan
Christian Academy: Chris Jefferson Mike Baird
Clay City: Jason Sinders Chris Ames
Clinton Central: Matt Crawford Nic Carothers
Clinton Prairie: Amie Anthrop Jessi Johnson
Dugger Union: TBA Joe Pigg
Eastern Greene: Greg Burton Justin Burris
Eastside: Nate Young Shane Conwell
Edgewood: Curt Simic Gary Sims
Elkhart Memorial: Brent Curry Jeff Wallace
Elwood: Craig Brunnemer Kyle Pulley
Eminence: Kevin Corsaro Tim Garver
Evansville Harrison: Ashley Hawkins Kiara Butler
Floyd Central: Randy Gianfagna Kirk Hamsley
Fort Wayne Blackhawk: Steph Gongaware Jamie Perlich
Fort Wayne Snider: Greg Addison Greg Friend
Fort Wayne Wayne: Lacia Gorman Kip Jones
Fountain Central: Tom Anderson ** Tom Anderson **
Franklin Central: Vince Cerbone Brian Hacker
Franklin County: Joe Adams Doug Robertson
Fremont: Scott Sprague Neal Frantz
Gary Lighthouse CPA: Tim Mays Thomas Smith
Gary Roosevelt: Joyce Falls Trevor Borom
Gary West: Shanee’ Butler Rod Fisher
Gibson Southern: Kyle Brasher Mark Monroe
Greencastle: Tod Windlan Bradley Key
Greenfield-Central: Bradley Key Joshua Means
Greenwood: Justin Bennett Bill Torgerson
Guerin Catholic: Jeff Buckner Dave Roth
Hammond Morton: Deandre Williams Apiphany Asberry
Harrison (WL): Rush McColley Amie Anthrop
Highland: Chris Tomcsi Tracie Mezera-Juarez
Indiana Math & Science: Jermaine Dunigan Aleanya Moore
Indianapolis Howe: Porchia Green Christina Cunningham
Indianapolis Lighthouse-South: Reggie Lockett Lindsay Nelson
Indianapolis Manual: Marques Gibson Jim Sturgeon
Indianapolis Riverside: Vetro Abernathy Cliff Kocian
Indianapolis Tech: David Howard Candace Jones
Indianapolis Washington: Damon Lee Marc Bustamante
International: Arin Thompson Randy Saxton
Kankakee Valley: Doug Nelson Ryan Myers
LaCrosse: Chris McGowan Brian McMahan
Lanesville: Angie Hinton Kevin Smith
Lapel: Zach Newby John Willis
Lawrence Central: Antoine Wynne Stephanie Keller
Lebanon: Nic Carothers Beth DeVinney
Liberty Christian: Todd Hill Ryan Jackson
Madison: Sonja Bowyer Sam Terrell
Madison-Grant: Brandon Bradley Elizabeth Garrasi
Martinsville: Jessi Johnson Vince Cerbone
Mishawaka: Sarah DeShone Kevin Gradeless
Mitchell: Jamie Cummings Matt Sowders
Morristown: Rachel Kleine ** Bryan Wolfe
Muncie Burris: Dave Harman Tom Lindsey
New Castle: Molly Swift Brandon Bradley
New Prairie: Todd Dermody Ric Mauch
North Miami: Lori Working Steve McClure
North Posey: Tyler Nicole Larry Kahle
Northeastern: Sara Mayo Princess Darnell
Oldenburg Academy: Eddie Johnson Dan Kerker
Parke Heritage: Bob Kyle na (consolidation of Rockville & Turkey Run)
Perry Central: R.T. Elliott Ty Guillaume
Pike: Scott White Bob Anglea
Prairie Heights: Taylor Terry Brian Beebe
Purdue Polytechnic: Latrice Crawford na
Richmond: Shane Hillard Casey Pohlenz
River Forest: Aaron Mullinax Doug Nelson
Riverton Parke: Derek Cleghorn Josh Douglass
Rochester: Brian Jennings Lisa Pflueger
Shawe Memorial: Terry King Zack Goodwin
Sheridan: Jaidlin Delph Jeff Guenther
South Bend Adams: Dawn Huff Leon Scott Jr.
South Bend Clay: Shawn Pittman Mark Westendorp
South Bend Riley: Suntana Anderson Jose Robles
South Bend St. Joseph: Becca Bruszewski Sydney Smallbone
South Dearborn: Doug Robertson Kent Vories
South Spencer: Brent Mathew Jason Mayes
Tri-West: Tom Gliva Nathan Begle
Wapahani: Scott Hudson Brad Cutter
Washington Catholic: Jimmy Beasley Sr. Terry Fleckenstein
Wes-Del: Ed Geesaman Monica Wells
** served as interim coach for all or part of 2017-18