Player gets a flagrant foul for elbow to an opponent head. Is that cause for ejection?
After a defensive rebound player had ball Late in game and was trying to keep the ball away from 2 defenders reaching in. Whistle blows. Player still trying to wrestle away ball pulls free and hits another player in the head (video shows it was the ball that hit him not elbow but it was fast). Flagrant foul called.
Should player be ejected and therefore suspended for next game?
After a defensive rebound player had ball Late in game and was trying to keep the ball away from 2 defenders reaching in. Whistle blows. Player still trying to wrestle away ball pulls free and hits another player in the head (video shows it was the ball that hit him not elbow but it was fast). Flagrant foul called.
Should player be ejected and therefore suspended for next game?